I'll be posting artwork for ITW on this here page. Check it out. Some creatures and other concepts that may or may not make it in the final product. Most of these sketches are made when I am sitting on set, bored out of my mind.
Look at that sexy pose. Can it get any sexier?

Ooohhh baby... Look at that storyboard ass.

Getting hot in here. Phew... that a lot of leg ya got showing there lady. Robo leg.

Every now and then I forget to draw with paper and pen instead of doing only pixels. Here's a sketch for some of Drea's portrait screens. And yes, I took her to Glamour Shots in the mall to get these done. She was so fussy 

I always draw Drea with her hair over her right side of her face. I never once thought about what her messed up looking robot face would look like. Well, I'll be. There it is.

This was something I drew today with a crayon on the table cloth at a Thai restaurant. This is the pistol wielding Regurg soldier. Looks like he has seen better days.

Holy shit, this took me forever to finalize a concept for the Mech Cycler. I had wanted to include Mech mini bosses so Drea wasn't stuck fighting a bunch of gooey creatures. I wanted to keep the mechs looking very military in design. I try to stay away from fantastical looking design. Function over fancy. You'll see what it finally looks like in the game.

The concept for the heart. Mind you the bosses are going to be huge. Like Italian women's butts kind of huge.

Original concept for the military mech. I don't know if this will make it or not. At first I was trying to keep the mechs looking like they all came from the same factory. They would all have the same kind of "egg" design to them and skull shape outline in the front. But we'll see. And that's Drea over to the left, chillin'. Chillin' hard too.

A virus thingy. Flies around a continues to spread. 

Working out animations of a possible lava creature. Drea and her EDU at the top. Right below her is some guy on set asking how storyboards work. I showed him. Then over to the right we got the red blood cell. I think this will be the final design. I draw things for the game on graph paper to keep it within a certain tile size. I don't want to make huge creatures and then see that they won't fit into the game.

The Creeper. I just know... I know... this enemy will be the death of me. I imagine a lot of animating for him. Another shot of the possible military mech. For the most part, you might run across the wreckage of these things. Lots of salvageable parts. Over to the right is the lava bug Volumassae. He is already sprited and ready to go.

Based on a pug. The original concept of the game was a little more light hearted. But then I injected some black into my own heart with a touch of darkness in there for taste. The game gradually got more and more darker in tone as I went along. This guy will not be showing up. Sorry cutey pie.

The Regurg. These guys are soldiers spit out from the planet. Regurgitated to do the planet's bidding. Why is a bidding always something devious and/or sinister? Why can't an evil doer make someone get groceries as their mandatory bidding? 

I forgot that there are numerous water areas in the game. It would be pretty lonely without something to kill you. This is based on a fish and a tapeworm. Or was it a ringworm? I don't know. Must have been drunk. Wait I don't drink. What the hell am I talking about now?

Baby worm! Cute cute cute. I want to pinch his gross squishy cheeks. Which cheeks you ask? That's between me and this heartbreaker.

This is your local scavenger. He is your mobile shop and arms dealer. He doesn't have a name because he can't remember it. Go figure.

Really early concepts. Look Drea has a shovel. And her arm was based on an actual robot arm that i made for a movie with space pirates. I wore it and posed in front of the mirror. So that is me as a chick.

Very early stuff again. The jetpack was located on the EDU back. It made it to where she couldn't fit into certain areas anymore. So the jet pack got shoved up her big fatt butt instead. I see the liquids up in the corner. I don't remember what I had in mind for bile. Oh well. And yes, she used to have a drill on her EDU mech's arm. Once again it got too crowded for the tile set. So now, no dril larm. Just two useless dangling arms.

Very early stuff again. The snail and that flying creature made it into the game.  They are pixeled up and ready to kill. The virus is still in need of some sweet pixeling.

Early concept of a zombie soldier.

These bastards were the first thing I drew for the game. They have survived the test of time of what I wanted to do with the game. The planet Earth (or what once was) is covered in these things. Drea can be swallowed whole by one of them.

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