Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Wins!

If you saw my last post (and why the hell did you not?) you saw that I hated the way some of my older sprites and animations looked like (pardon my language) poopoo.

I used the enemy known as the Vespa as an example. The Vespa is also know as the mutated wasp. He is also known as Honey Bear when he comes over for dinner and a movie at my place. Even though he didn't stay the night, last Tuesday, because someone wants to take things slow while other people in the relationship want to get straight to the dirty stuff. But I digress. Despite his personality flaws, I did The Vespa the favor of redoing his sprites.

This is the very first Vespa that I did. This back when I wanted to keep the enemies very colorful and somewhat cartoony. looking back on this I still do enjoy the design. I haven't seen this in a couple of months. I might incorporate the face design in something else.

This is what the Vespa turned into after I decided on a certain color palette I wanted the enemies to follow. I wanted them to look more organic and mutated. And since most of the background comprises of guts which are primarily pinks, oranges, and reds. I thought green would be a nice contrast. Still, this animation is just... ugh.

This is (hopefully) my last rendition of the Vespa. He is more sporadic and I really enjoy his wings a lot more. They have a greater sense of speed. The second version of the Vespa looks lazy. The new one looks more menacing in it's behavior. I still made this one move around but staying within the 32 pixels in width (the wings overlap, I don't care) so it can chase you up narrow passageways.

 "I just noticed you need to shade his head more when it turns. Just saying."

 Hey. Nobody invited you to this party.

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